Answered By: Austin Pevler
Last Updated: Sep 09, 2024     Views: 115

Current students, faculty, and staff already have library accounts. Your account is your last name and all 9 digits of your Sinclair/Tartan ID number including all zeros. Add zeros to the front if you have less than 9. You can check your account at My Accounts/Renew in order to see what you have checked out, what you have ordered from another library, or to renew your items.

You do not need a Tartan card, although it is easier to use with printing and other things. You do need to have a valid picture id in order to checkout books or laptops.

If you are referring to logging into our databases from off-campus, then you use your Sinclair Portal username and password, and if you are creating an EBSCO account to save and keep track of articles and eBooks, than you sign up for that separately within EBSCO.