Answered By: Andrew Walsh
Last Updated: Feb 25, 2021     Views: 1140

Reference sources are the best for finding background information and these include encyclopedias (online and in print), handbooks, dictionaries and more. 

We have some great online databases that simultaneously search the full-text of hundreds or even thousands of encyclopedias:

Credo Reference  

  • Credo Reference provides full-text online versions of nearly 1200 published reference works from more than 70 publishers in every major subject, including general and subject dictionaries and encyclopedias.

Gale Virtual Reference Library

  • Online reference books that are categorized by subjects such as history, science and social science.

We also have several databases that are best for controversial or "hot-button" issues and include many reference sources as well as other types of articles.

One of these is Opposing Viewpoints, which is also great for choosing a topic.

You can also view all of our online resources in our A-Z List of Databases and these particular resources are in many class LibGuides.

And finally, if you prefer print encyclopedias, both general and subject-specific, take a look at the reference collection in the library.