Your Sinclair Library privileges end once you graduate. However, as an Ohio resident, you have some options that will give you access to some of the same library resources that you had as a student.
For borrowing books and other library items, you can get a library card from Greene County Public Library, or Washington Centerville Public Library, or any other SearchOhio library. Once you have your GCPL or WCPL card, bring it with you to Sinclair and we will check out our materials to you as a visitor.
You can also get a card from the State Library of Ohio. The State Library will mail the card to your home and you can use it to check out books from Sinclair or any other OhioLINK library.
Your card will also give you borrowing privileges to the SearchOhio public libraries and OhioLINK, the statewide consortium of academic libraries.
For article databases, you have access to the Ohio Web Library which offers some of the same resources that Sinclair has including Academic Search Premier. To use the databases, you’ll need to enter your zip code. Dayton Metro, Greene County, and other public libraries subscribe to additional databases, so you might want to check what your public library has.
You are also welcome to come to the Sinclair Library and use a guest computer. This would give you access to all the library’s subscription databases.
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