Answered By: Austin Pevler
Last Updated: Jul 16, 2018     Views: 1043

It depends on where the eBook is coming from. The 2 popular eBook providers where you can "check out" an online book are EBSCO eBooks and the Ohio Digital Library (ODL). Both require you to log in to see your checked out books.

EBSCO uses an account that you set up yourself. Once you log in, you should be able to find your books listed in your personal folder. To see additional help on this, look at our guide, or watch the video.

ODL uses your name and 9 digit Tartan number to give you access to their books. Checked out books will appear on your bookshelf once you sign in. Look at our guide for more information or watch a video.

You can find links to the 2 eBook providers below. Keep in mind that if you are off-campus, you have to authenticate first before you can use them.